Restoration Options for Dental Implants

If you’re missing teeth, you’re more likely to develop worsening dental conditions. Tooth loss can often lead to other dental problems, such as jaw disorders and facial sagging. Dental implants in Boise, ID, are among the most recommended treatment options for patients with missing teeth. They offer many benefits, such as improved bite strength and jawbone retention, that make them a popular choice for tooth replacement. But the implant alone isn’t enough to restore your smile. You’ll also need a restoration to help fully improve your bite.

DENTAL IMPLANTS in BOISE ID are a great way to restore your bite after losing a tooth

How Dental Implants in Boise, ID Work

Dental implants are small, often titanium, posts that are surgically placed into your jawbone. The post integrates with your jaw and works to mimic your tooth’s natural root structure. This alone can be a great way to help prevent facial sagging and bone loss. But it doesn’t fully restore your bite. To finish off implant treatment, your dentist will need to apply an abutment to the post and fabricate a restoration. What kind of restoration you need often depends on how many teeth you’re missing.

Dental Crown

If you’re missing a single tooth, a single dental implant is often your best restoration option. The most common restoration for a single dental implant is a dental crown. After placing the abutment, your dentist will take an impression of your bite to fabricate a crown. The crown is secured to the abutment and helps round out your treatment for a complete smile and a strong bite.

Implant-Supported Bridge

If you’re missing multiple teeth in a row, an implant-supported bridge may be the right restoration for you. Traditional dental bridges use crowns on your natural teeth to support the pontics (fake teeth) that make up your bridge. But this can sometimes lead to damage to your supporting teeth, and it doesn’t provide the same jaw benefits as implants. With an implant-supported bridge, your dentist will place two implants at either end of your missing teeth and support the bridge using crowns on those implants. The use of implants instead of just dental crowns can often provide a stronger bite and better support for your smile.

Implant-Secured Dentures

If you’re missing a full arch of teeth, dentures are often the best way to help restore your bite. However, traditional dentures can be difficult and sometimes even painful to wear. While they do have some advantages, mainly in the oral hygiene area, traditional dentures are often less beneficial than implant-secured dentures. An implant-secured denture uses four or six strategically placed implants to permanently attach the denture to your mouth. The implants are placed at certain angles to help provide maximum jaw strength and bite support for full smile restoration.

If you wait too long to seek treatment for missing teeth, you could end up with worsening dental conditions. Contact LifeSmiles today at (208) 254-6365 to schedule a consultation and learn more about implant dentistry. After examining your bite, we can help determine if dental implants are right for you.