
Answering Questions About Dental Checkups

Visiting the dentist regularly can keep your oral health in check and prevent future dental problems. As your local dentist in Boise, ID, we're here to clarify any questions or concerns you have when you visit or about visiting our…

Why Does My Tooth Hurt?

Do you have sudden, sharp tooth pain? Is your tooth pain more like a dull ache? Contact our office for treatment. There are many possible causes of tooth pain, from dental injury to tooth decay. If you are unsure of…

Debunking Common Oral Health Myths

Does brushing harder mean you get a better clean? Is it unsafe to visit the dentist if you're pregnant? These are common oral health myths that some people believe. Here, we will set the record straight on these old wives'…

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Are you missing a single permanent tooth? Do you have problems speaking or eating because of your removable denture? Dental implants can restore stability and aesthetics to your smile. Dental implants are known as the gold standard for replacing one…

Reviewing LIFESmiles 2022 Patient Reviews

Our team is passionate about customizing dental care to fit each individual. We work with patients throughout their dental journey to meet their goals and ensure that they feel comfortable during treatment. As we reflect on 2022, we welcome you…

Why is Sugar Bad For Teeth?

We all know consuming too much sugar in your diet is harmful. However, too much sugar is also bad for your oral health. Sugars and starches left in the mouth attract harmful bacteria. These bacteria feed on sugars and create…

What Are the White Spots On My Teeth?

Have you just finished braces treatment but have white spots in the middle of each tooth? Do you notice white spots on some of your teeth, even if you haven't completed orthodontic treatment? White spots on teeth are a sign…

Lumineers vs. Porcelain Veneers

Do you have stained or yellowed teeth? Maybe you have a crooked or damaged tooth that you want to cover with a restoration. Dental veneers and lumineers are options for patients with damaged, crooked, and discolored teeth. If you want…

Q&A: Dermal Fillers

Did you know that your dentist can provide fillers to add volume to your face and erase wrinkles? Our cosmetic dentists are trained to provide expert care to meet patients' goals. Dermal fillers are injectables that smooth the skin and…

What is Solea Sleep?

Do you or your partner snore frequently? 37 million Americans regularly snore. Snoring not only interrupts others but can also leave snorers at risk of developing further problems. Oftentimes, snoring can also be an indicator of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea…